Sunday, 24 February 2013

10 days done...

As we mentioned on Saturday, you are already 10 days into Love 40 days... 

How has it been going? 

You may be following the 40 names in a box suggestion and pulling out a name every day or you may have adapted the ideas to work for your world and be loving others in a slightly different way - the practicalities aren't really important as long as you are taking up the challenge to intentionally live out Jesus' commandment in John 13:34.

It would be interesting to hear any thoughts you have so far.  Have you learnt anything new about loving?  Have you learnt anything new about yourself?  Have you learnt anything new about God - how He loves you and how He helps you to love others?

If you haven't commented yet, it is easy to do so.  You click on the comment link below this post, and type your thoughts into the white box.  Where it says comment as you can choose to log in with a Google account or click Name/URL and just enter your name when prompted.  That's it!

You don't have to have anything dramatic or eloquent to say - this isn't about how well you write!  But we will all benefit from sharing the news about what God is doing as we press on with the next 30 days, so please feel free to join the conversation...

1 comment:

  1. Steve, Sarah, Nathaniel and Abigail26 February 2013 at 12:43

    We are enjoying learning about loving although we have sometimes found we are loving others outside the family better than we are loving each other. We now have 1 Cor 13 words in our lounge as a reminder of how to treat those closest to us too! It is also sometimes easier to love people we don't know than to get out of our comfort zone and make ourselves vulnerable with people we know a little better - but in the long run it is these times that we have allowed God to work in the lives of those we see more frequently, which is exciting.

    We are being relaxed about when we love the people we pull out of our jar. Half term made it tricky but we have a string of playdates lined up and are praying for those before they come. It is still getting us to be intentionally changing our mindset whenever we fit it in the calendar! Knowing that we can make this a Lent tradition has also meant less stress - we don't have to learn everything right now but learn to change a little every day, every month, every year...

    Looking forward to the next 30 days...
