Monday, 11 March 2013

Day 23: Gone fishing...

When Jesus called his disciples in Matthew 4:18-20, his invitation to them was not that they follow him to learn the truths of the universe, although they did.  It was not that they follow him to learn godly wisdom or a new way of living, although they did.  It was that they follow him to become "fishers of men."  In the New Living Version we read: "Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!"  In The Message this is translated: "Come with me.  I'll make a new kind of fisherman out of you.  I'll show you how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass."

Jesus' initial call to Peter and Andrew was that if they followed him they would learn how to love others - to bring others into his Kingdom.  They might not have understood exactly what he was saying to them, but we know that they dropped their nets straight away, no questions asked, and followed him.  And then saw the world change as people came to know salvation through Jesus Christ.

We too are called to this mission.  We might not see netfuls of people affected by our love today as those early net-fishing disciples did, but we can and should expect that as we love the person we pull out today with the love that God gives us, that they will be changed.  Jesus will show us how to fish for people too.  Even if we just take our rod and go after the one "fish".  Because God's net is quite big enough to cast over our town, our city, our nation and gather in His catch.  We just have to be willing to go fishing...

So be encouraged - get your net or rod and go fishing with Jesus today...

For the kids:
In Matthew 4:19, Jesus invited Peter and Andrew to become his friends and followers by telling them that if they went with them he would "show [them] how to fish for people!"  He invited them to learn how to love others and in so doing bring them into a new life with Jesus.  This invitation changed the world.  Peter and Andrew knew all about fishing for fish - they were fishermen and spent their lives throwing their nets overboard and bringing them back up full of fish - just like in today's picture.  Jesus showed them how to fish for people by loving them - and he will show you too.  Spend some time today praying for Jesus to show you how to love the person on your paper today - that he would show you how to fish for people.  And spend time praying that the person you are loving would be caught by the love of Jesus.

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