Hopefully during the past 27 days you have been challenged by God to do something different. Maybe even joining in with the Love 40 days journey was a challenge to you for one reason or another. Sometimes we think we know what we are good at, what we are called to do, and we stick to it. There is nothing wrong with utilising the natural gifts that God has given us, but sometimes sticking to what we know is just playing it safe. And playing it safe means we miss out on allowing God to do things - showing up with that power along the way that we were thinking about earlier this week.
Philippians 4:13 says this: "I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." It does not say: I can do the things I am already good at. It does not say: I can do the things that I am comfortable with. It says: I can do everything.
We can love in extreme, extravagant ways through Christ, who gives us strength. We can love people we find difficult or people who have hurt us through Christ, who gives us strength. We can keep loving even though we are tired or have had a bad day through Christ, who gives us strength.
And sometimes we need to do things that are completely beyond us - so that we are really doing them through Christ, who gives us strength.
Watch this video today to be inspired and see what God can do when ordinary Jesus-following people allow themselves to be pushed to the limit. Be challenged by what you see. Our God is the God of the Bible. We can trust that when He pushes our limits, He will give us the strength to do everything.
Pray today that you would be strengthened by Jesus and talk to God about any areas that He might be wanting to push your limits as you seek to love others.
For the kids:
Philippians 4:13 says this: "I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." Sometimes we only do things that we know we can do well. We don't need to be afraid of doing the difficult things that God asks us to do because Jesus will always help us. If your children can sit through a four minute video, it is worth watching today's link. Otherwise, talk about some of the thing that God calls us to which we can't do by ourselves - including some of the ways He calls us to love others. Pray that Jesus would give us strength. Then talk together about some things that the kids would love to be able to do for others to show them that Jesus loves them. Let them dream big! And, if appropriate, pray for God's wisdom and guidance and consider actually doing some of them!
Might sound a bit silly, but I've been challenged to be bolder, not in a preaching to people kind of way, but just in little ways... like on Friday evening. It was raining (surprise, surprise!) I was in West Wickham M & S car park and there was a young mum by her parked car opposite me, with a screaming baby in the back seat while she had a fight with her buggy, I'm not sure if she was arriving or leaving! I decided to ask if there was anything I could do to help, a bit worried she might bark at me for sticking my nose in, but she didn't, she just said no thank you and that she was fine! I was pleased I had asked and I know that a little while ago I would have been too afraid to offer. Love 40 days has made me look more for opportunities to help people, hopefully that's me listening more to the Holy Spirit.