Next week is Holy Week - the week we remember the days leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. We will be looking at this well-known story from a number of angles as we ask God to speak to us afresh from the most amazing love story ever told.
As we prepare to remember God's act of redemption - the very act that has made us being able to love possible - let us go back to the Old Testament and remember how God told His people that He would show them His mighty love.
Today, try to take time to read Isaiah 52 and 53. Imagine you are at a Journey Meeting and read it through in one sitting to see what God might want to show you. Then use the comments section below to share your revelations. Please remember of course, that we are not looking for Biblical academics, but for the sharing of what God is showing you today - anything that stood out, that moved you, that you found particularly interesting, or that caused you to ask questions. There are no right or wrong answers - but let's allow God's word to speak to our hearts...
For the kids:
If you are able to read the two chapters with your children today that would be great - maybe even have a mini "Family Journey Meeting" together. Share your thoughts with the children and allow them to share anything that spoke to them. Alternatively, pick a shorter passage from the Scripture here and read it together. Encourage the children to share their thoughts in the comments section too...
(Sidenote: if anyone reading doesn't know what a "Journey Meeting" is, please do email and we'll let you know!)
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