Tuesday 15 April 2014

Day 36: Food and fellowship...

Is a picture of a dinner plate a little odd for Holy Week? Maybe not...

One of the many things we can notice about Jesus on a reading of the Gospels is that he shared his life, light and love with people while they shared a meal together. Jesus ate with Zacchaeus, he was eating at Simon's house when the woman anointed him with expensive perfume, he was due to eat with Martha, Mary and Lazarus and their friends, since we know that Martha was preoccupied with dinner plans. While he was preaching to the crowds out on the hills, he knew they needed to eat and take time to be physically refreshed while they were also being spiritually refreshed by the words of his preaching - and provided a meal for over five thousand of them.

The long Easter weekend is coming up. You may have lots of plans to see friends or family, you may not. This week, particularly with the extra days away from work, you may have extra opportunities to be hospitable and to open up your home or your diary to share a meal with one of your people to love. When you share food, you have the opportunity to share fellowship. As you share fellowship you can deepen friendship. As friendship deepens, new opportunities to love arise and it becomes easier for people to understand that hope that lives within you.

Think about it. Pray about it. And invite somebody to share food and fellowship with you this week.

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